For over 40 years,
Vollers has been working with utility companies, municipalities, and private companies installing vital infrastructure. The utility crews are dedicated to providing the client with the best installation in a timely manner. The broad depth of experience amongst the crews allows Vollers to offer solutions to challenging situations that arise on the job.
The utility crew’s strong point is installing utilities in the street. The crews can perform a wide range of activities while maintaining a safe environment for pedestrians and traffic while also maintaining a safe flow of traffic around the work zone. Some of these activities include:
- Turnkey water main installation with service connections
- Wet-cuts on live mains
- Insertion valves and line stops
- Fire hydrant installation
- Jack and bores under streams, railroads, and road crossings
- Leak detection and repair
- Turnkey sanitary system installation with service connections – gravity and force main
- Doghouse manhole installation
- Sanitary bypass systems